List of Services
University Services
2025 Housing
New student housing software to apply for housing & room assignment information.Prospective and currently enrolled students.Latest version of Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all admitted UH students. Follow these instructions to obtain a myUH ID and password. Contact Student Housing & Residential Life for assistance.30 minutes.N/A.Athletics Tickets
Enrolled Students can claim tickets for all home UH events.Enrolled students.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all enrolled students.30 mins.N/ABAUER+
BAUER+ is a student engagement platform to track your career readiness competencies. Using a points system, it brings together activities in specified classes and your activities outside of class to help you create your journey and tell your story of student success and career readiness. BAUER+ is not an extra requirement for your degree, but an oppurtunity to be recognized for your learning activities in and beyond the classroom.All Undergraduate Business Majors.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access will be given automatically to enrolled Bauer students.24 hoursN/A.Bauer Career Gateway
This application is used by Bauer College of Business majors and Bauer Alumni to upload any relevant career documents like resume and cover letters, apply and search for internships and jobs, participate in on campus recruiting, research employers, RSVP to Bauer Career Events, and book appointments with Career Counselors at the Rockwell Career Center.Students with a Major in the Bauer College of Business and Alumni of Bauer College Degrees.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all currently enrolled Bauer students and Bauer Alumni.N/AN/ACASA
The Center for Academic Support and Assessment (CASA) offers face-to-face tutoring to approximately 40,000 student visitors each semester in undergraduate math courses, and secure testing for approximately 19,000 student enrollments per semester in a variety of subjects, including biology, business, chemistry, math and physics. CASA is also home to our own CourseWare course management software which was used to administer and grade over 600,000 secure tests and online assignments in the fall of 2011. In addition, CASA hosts high school teacher workshops, and CourseWare hosts online assessment tools for a hundreds of high school teachers and their students in a variety of mathematical subjects, as well as practice AP Calculus Exams (all free of charge).Only Enrolled Students can access CASA Site via AccessUH.IE, Firefox, ChromeRegister at CourseWare.120 minsSunday 7am - 11 am and as ScheduledCanvas
Canvas is the primary learning management system for the University of Houston.Students and Faculty who have active courses in Canvas.Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. For more information, see are added and dropped automatically based on their enrollment in a course using this system. Faculty should consult an instructional designer about using Canvas. More ...30 mins.1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 1:00am to 4:00am.CareerShift
CareerShift is a Job Search Tool that allows users to find employment by applying a set of integrated tools and an extensive contact database. Job seekers can locate current job connections and make new connections.Enrolled Students.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Must be a currently enrolled student.N/A.N/A.CoogsCARE
CoogsCARE site offers information for student support.All Faculty, Staff, and Students.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all faculty, staff, and students.N/A.N/A.Cougar Card and Meal Plan
This application allows active students, faculty, and staff to purchase meal plans, view account transactions and balances, upload a photo for campus id card and report Cougar Cards lost and/or stolen. It also allows the campus community to make deposits to Cougar Cash and ShastaBUCKS accounts.Enrolled students, faculty and staff.Latest version of Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all active students, faculty, and staff.N/A.N/A.CougarQ Queuing and Appointments
Users can join a virtual line or schedule an appointment for service at various offices.Students, Faculty and Staff.All UH supported browsers.Access is automatically granted for this service.30 minutesFriday 2am-6amCourse Request System
Course Request System is used by UH instructors to request academic courses in Blackboard and MS Teams, to request the addition of TAs to the courses, and to specify if the course should be a copy of an existing course.Instructors who want to request academic courses in Blackboard or MS Teams.Chrome, Firefox, Safari.UH employees listed as Primary or Secondary Instructors in PeopleSoft can use CRS to request academic courses.30 minsFriday 2 am - 6 amCullen Performance Hall Tickets
Enrolled Students will be able to go into the application to claim discounted tickets for select performances happening at the Cullen Performance Hall.Enrolled students.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all enrolled students.30 mins.N/A.Curriculog
Curriculog (Curriculum Development and Approval System) automates the process of curriculum revision and approval, helping the institution to provide transparency throughout the approval process, improve communication across campus about the development of curriculum, and by serving as the single location of historical records relating to decisions made for every request.Faculty and Staff.Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.Only those with a UH faculty or staff affiliation will be able to view the curriculum change proposals.N/AN/ADART Center Faculty Portal
The DART center offers academic accommodations for students who have disabilities, exam administration, and interpreting/captioning services. Instructors can view accommodation letters here.Instructors.Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge.To gain access to this application, a currently enrolled student in your course must request accommodations from you.15-30 minutes of inactivity.N/ADART Center Student Portal
The DART center offers academic accommodations for students who have disabilities, exam administration, and interpreting/captioning services.Students.Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge.To gain access to this application, you must request accommodation services from the CSD.15-30 minutes of inactivity.N/ADissemity
Dissemity provides evidence-based instructional content and resources with AI-based technology to support research writing skills.Enrolled Graduate Students, current and future semesters.Latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.Access is automatically granted to all enrolled graduate students.30 days.Sunday 2am to 4am.Election
The election site will provide UH constituents a system to participate in university online voting system for student government association elections and other similar elections.Enrolled students and other UH constituents that may want to use the voting site for elections that is administered through Learning and Assessment ServicesAccess is automatically granted to currently enrolled UH students and other UH users that have a need to enter the election site.15 minsEngineering Career Center
This application is used by currently enrolled Cullen College Engineering majors and Engineering Alumni 6 months after graduation. It allows students to upload any relevant career documents like a resume, cover letter, and an unofficial transcript. Students can also search and apply for internships and jobs, and (remove and) participate in campus recruiting events, RSVP to Engineering Career Center Events, and schedule appointments with career counselors.Currently enrolled Cullen College Engineering majors and Engineering Alumni 6 months after graduation.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all currently enrolled Cullen College Engineering majors and Engineering Alumni 6 months after graduation.N/AN/AFIXIT
FIX-IT Self-Service is the online facility work request system that will allow active students, faculty, and staff the capability to enter service requests. More information is available at students, faculty, and staffLatest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox and SafariAccess is automatically granted to all active students, faculty, and staff.10 minsSunday 6 am - 2 pmFacility Work Order System
AiM is the online facility work request system that is used to track routine maintenance and repairs, housekeeping, ground maintenance, preventive work orders, life safety systems, building systems operation among other tasks.Facilities Staff MembersLatest version of Internet Explorer and FirefoxAccess is granted to Facilities Staff Members as needed.10 minsSunday 6 am - 2 pmFaculty/Course Evaluation
Faculty/Course Evaluation is the current university online system for students to evaluate faculty and courses.Enrolled students who have courses to evaluate online through Learning and Assessment ServicesAccess is automatically granted to currently enrolled UH students who have courses to evaluate online.Get Involved
Get Involved is a platform meant to centralize, organize and increase student involvement opportunities. It provides the tools for managing student organizations and encouraging growth and development as students engage in co-curricular activities.Enrolled students, faculty and staff whose work involves engaging students outside of the classroomOur current supported browsers are: Chrome: 18 +, Firefox: 7 +, Safari: 4 +, Opera: 10 +, Internet Explorer: 7.All students, faculty and staff will be able to access Get Involved using authenticated single-sign on credentials.Session timeout is 24 hours but on a sliding expiration so each request resets that time.We have no set maintenance window. Updates to the production environment are generally done between 7 - 7:30 A.M. and are done with little to no downtime when possible.Google Workspace
Google Workspace is like Office 365 and gives the option to faculty to teach classrooms.Licensed Faculty Users.All current browsers supported by Google.Please contact minutes.N/AGrammarly-EDU
Grammarly algorithms flag potential issues in the text and make context-specific suggestions to help with grammar, spelling and usage, wordiness, style, punctuation, tone, and even plagiarism.Students enrolled in the Ed.D. Program in Professional Leadership in the Curriculum and Instruction Department; Faculty who teach in this program, and the staff members who support these students.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.College of Education only, request submitted by specific faculty.None.N/A.HealthyCoog Patient Portal
A patient web portal available to all current UH students. Schedule appointments online 24/7 for most Primary Care and Immunization services. Send and receive secured messages and view lab, imaging and immunization records. Limited access for admitted or previously enrolled students and active faculty and staff.Currently enrolled students, faculty and staff will automatically be given access to this portal.Chrome(recommended), Edge ,Safari and Firefox.All enrolled students and active faculty/staff are automatically granted accesss.20 Minutes.Scheduled as needed.Hilton College IT Support
Hilton College IT ticketing system to submit support requests for Hilton College faculty, staff and students.Hilton College Faculty, Staff and Students.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically given to all HRM Students, Faculty and Staff using their MS365 credentials.N/AN/AHire Hilton College
This application is used for managing and contacting students and employers. Employers will post jobs to which HRM students can apply. Students will also be able to upload any relevant career documents like resume and cover letters. Employers will be able to request dates to interview HRM students on campus through this system.Students with a Major/Minor in Hotel Restaurant and Management.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all enrolled Hotel Restaurant and Management UH students.N/AN/AHireNSM
This application is used by the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) majors and NSM alumni for one year after graduation. The platform allows students and alumni to upload any relevant career material documents like resumes and cover letters, apply and search for internships and jobs and research opportunities, participate in on campus recruiting, research and engage employers, and RSVP to NSM Career Events.Enrolled Students.We support the latest versions Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on desktop and mobile.Access is automatically granted to all currently enrolled with a Major in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) and NSM Alumni.N/AN/A.HireNSM Faculty
This application is used by the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) faculty to access the HireNSM platform. The platform, which serves NSM current students and recent alumni with career development, is provided to faculty to allow them to promote internships and full-time roles posted within the platform and career development events held by the NSM Career Center such as career fairs, information sessions, workshops and related off-campus events held by NSM partner employers.Current NSM Faculty.We support the latest versions Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on desktop and mobile.Access is automatically granted to all faculty in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM).N/A.N/A.Integrated Compliance Oversight Network
ICON, or Integrated Compliance Oversight Network, facilitates the regulatory and ethical review of research at the University of Houston by providing Principal Investigators and their teams a single portal for electronic protocol submission, review, and approval, as well as management of research-related Conflicts of Interest.Faculty, Staff, and currently enrolled students.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Faculty, Staff and currently enrolled students will automatically be given access to this service.60 minMaintenance is done after hours or during the weekends. Vendor dictates when patches can be applied.KGMCA Box Office MSM
The MSM Box Office icon will allow students and faculty to view and see the full season of events and purchase tickets.All Faculty, Staff and enrolled Students.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all currently enrolled Moores School of Music students, UH Faculty and Staff.5 mins.N/AKGMCA Box Office SoTD
The SoTD Box Office Icon will allow students and faculty to view and see the full season of theatre events and purchase tickets.All Faculty, Staff and enrolled Students.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all currently enrolled School of Theatre and Dance students, UH Faculty and Staff.5 mins.N/ALearning Abroad
Learning Abroad is a Travel application management system, students apply for Learning Programs, Events, etc.All Admitted, Enrolled students, Faculty and Staff.Latest version of Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all active students, faculty, and staff.15 mins.N/A.LinkedIn Learning
Linkedin Learning is a leading online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Through individual, corporate, academic and government subscriptions, members have access to the LinkedIn Learning video library of engaging, top-quality courses taught by recognized industry experts.Access is automatically granted to all current staff that are benefits eligible.All UH supported browsersAccess is automatically granted to all current staff that are benefits eligible when using their Office 365 login.N/AN/AMaxient
Maxient software is used by authorized faculty and staff to track student conduct.Staff and FacultyInternet Explorer 7; Internet Explorer 8; Firefox 3.6;3.5; Safari 3.1; 3.2;4The department supervisor needs to make a request.30 minN/AMicrosoft 365
Please visit the UIT site for complete details at current faculty, staff, and admitted and enrolled students.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari. NOTE: Some features may require JAVA.For more information please see the UH Microsoft 365 site.N/AScheduled as neededMy Library Account
Provides students, faculty, researchers, and staff with access to scholarly resources via single search interface and allows users to access their library account.Faculty, Staff and Students.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Must be active faculty, staff, or enrolled student.N/A.N/A.Navigate Student
Navigate Student is an online app that is beneficial to students for retention success.Undergraduate students.Chrome.Contact Melissa Pierson or Susan Moreno.180 minutesMaintenance is conducted at the discretion of the vendor and by the vendor.ORCID
Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier (ORCID) is a persistent identifier that connects researchers with scholarly works using a unique 16-digit number. The ORCID API or Application Programming Interface provides instructions that connect systems with one another, so they can communicate with the ORCID registry and thus individual researchers' ORCID iD records. Specifically, the ORCID Member API allows research institutions to gather authenticated ORCID iDs and to read and write the following types of data on individual ORICD records: biographical information, funding awards, scholarly works, past/current employment, memberships, and services.UH Faculty and Staff.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all qualifying audience.N/A.N/A.PaymentWorks
PaymentWorks collects and validates vendor setup and registration information for the UH System. UH System staff can invite vendors through PW. Vendors can then electronically register and submit their information through PW to UHS for vendor setup.UH Staff.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Edge.Access is automatically given to all UH Staff.90 minutesN/AProVerifier+ Financial Aid Verification
ProVerifier+ will be used by students selected for financial aid verification, to complete and e-sign any necessary documents.Newly admitted and currently enrolled students selected for financial aid verification.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Students selected for verification will be able to access the system.N/ASunday 12am - 6am.Register My WiFi Device
uhregistered is a new network that has been specifically designed for streaming devices, game consoles and other devices that do not support the current UHSecure WPA2 enterprise authentication. All current students, staff and faculty wanting to use this network will need to register their wireless device through this application in order to connect to the uhregistered network.All enrolled students and current faculty/staffLatest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.All enrolled students and current faculty/staff are automatically granted access.30 minsFriday 5 am - 8 amSoftware Download
The UIT Software Download service provides a variety of software at no charge to students, faculty and staff.Enrolled students and active faculty and staffLatest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.Access is automatically granted to all enrolled UH students and active faculty and staff.30 minutesFridays 5:00am-8:00amStudent Training
Student Training provides non-academic courses such as Crossroads.New studentsIE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically granted to new students.120 minsFriday 2 am - 6 amStudent Training System
University compliance training for students. Training will assure students are aware of campus and state rules and regulations. Training is based on campus departments and programs in which students are enrolled.Custom group of enrolled students.IE, Firefox, Chrome.Access is automatically granted to new students.30 minutesFriday 2 am - 6 amT.A.P. Employee Online Training
TAP (Training Access Portal) is the online training module for the UHS system. Once employees are registered through PASS, they will be able to access the online training via TAP. The University of Houston System and its component universities have an obligation to take steps to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state laws as well as university policies as they pertain to the following: personal behavior; decision making; asset protection; and reporting procedures; by providing education and training and periodic review of related university policies and procedures.Only Enrolled UHS Employees can access the Online Training Site.Internet Explorer 7; Internet Explorer 8; Firefox 3.6;3.5; Safari 3.1; 3.2;4For Online Training Courses, employees can self-enroll via PASS. Enrollment in Mandatory Training is processed through the Office of Human Resources.90 minutesFriday 2 am - 6 amTK20 system for Education
TK20 system for Education is an online tool used to improve program effectiveness in partnership with US PREP.Teacher Education Program Faculty, Staff, and Students based on specific courses.Microsoft Edge, IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Contact Amber Thompson.25 hoursMaintenance is conducted at the discretion of the vendor and by the vendor.UH Campus Store
UH Campus Store - Bookstore by Follett.Students and Faculty.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all Students and Faculty.30 minutesN/AUH Digital Signature
Allows users to easily upload and send documents to request information and digital signatures from designated parties using configurations and workflow to manage the information required on the form.Authorized Faculty and Staff.Latest version of Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Please contact DocuSign@central.uh.eduN/A.N/A.UH Qualtrics Main
This application is a survey research tool that is used to conduct surveys and provide analysis and results.Faculty, Staff, and Enrolled Students.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all qualifying audience.15 minutes.N/A.UH Student Directory
The UH directory allows you to search all UH campuses for people and offices including students at UH.All enrolled students and current faculty/staff.Latest version of Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.All enrolled students and current faculty/staff are automatically granted access.30 mins.Friday 5 am - 8 am.UH email
Microsoft 365 Outlook Email for University. Please visit the UIT site for complete details at current faculty, staff, and admitted and enrolled students.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.All eligible students, staff, and faculty are provided an University email box.N/A.Scheduled as needed.UHCOP Assessment System
UHCOP Assessment SystemUHCOP Faculty and StudentsGoogle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, SafariUHCOP Faculty and Students are automatically granted accessUnknownVariesUHlink
UHlink is a networking and career platform.All UH Staff, Faculty, Students and Alumni.Latest version of Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is automatically granted to UH students, faculty and staff members. Within six months of graduation, users will need to enable a non-SSO login by visiting and updating their email and password in Account Settings.N/A.N/A.UIT Network Test
This application is used by UIT to gather information about your network speed on campus. Using the application records your speeds along with your reported location so we may improve your experience.All enrolled students and current faculty/staff.Latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.All enrolled students and current faculty/staff are automatically granted access.N/AFridays 5:00am-8:00amUIT Networks/Telecom
Faculty and Staff are welcome to submit a Work Request for purposes of various networks, telecommunications, and security services support offered by the department.Faculty and Staff.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all current faculty and staff.N/A.N/A.UIT Support Center
Faculty, Staff, and Students are welcome to submit a support ticket for purposes of various technology support offered by UIT.Faculty, Staff, and Students.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all qualifying audience.N/A.N/A.University Career Services
This application is used for managing and contacting students and employers. Employers will post jobs to which students can apply. Students will also be able to upload any relevant career documents like resume and cover letters. Employers will be able to request dates to interview students on campus through this system. This application will also be used to manage on campus student employment.Enrolled Students.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all enrolled UH students.N/AN/AWelltrack Boost
This app houses self-help mental health resources including but not limited to mood checks, thought records, journals, and mindfulness exercises.Enrolled Students and Authorized personnel.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all students. Please contact CAPS with questions.N/A.N/A.eRezLife
eRezLife is used by SHRL staff and residential students to assess resident engagement and student success.SHRL staff and residential students.Latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.Access is granted to SHRL staff and enrolled students living in the residence halls.N/AN/AmyHousing
Allows students to applying for housing, pay application fee and deposit, sign agreement and book room.Prospective and currently enrolled studentsInternet Explorer 7; Internet Explorer 8; Firefox 3.6;3.5; Safari 3.1; 3.2;4Follow the directions to obtain a myUH ID and password30 minsFriday 12:00 am - 6:00 am.myLCC
This application allows users to access their LCC (Language and Culture Center) portal.Faculty, Staff and Students.Latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge and SafariAccess is automatically granted LCC faculty, staff, and students.60 minutesN/AmyParking Account
PTS' online services allow faculty, staff & students to register for and purchase permits, modify wait list requests, and pay/appeal citations.Students, Faculty and Staff (Current and former)Internet Explorer 7+; Chrome; Firefox 3.6; 3.5; Safari 3.1; 3.2; 4Follow the directions to obtain a myUH ID and password20 minsSunday 6 am - 2 pm and as ScheduledmyUH Self Service
myUH Self Service allows students to check their admission status, register for classes, view financial aid, make payments, download 1098Ts, and much more. It also allows faculty and staff to download class rosters, input grades, look up student info, and much more.Applicants and currently enrolled students and facultyFollow the directions to obtain a myUH ID and password. Faculty access is granted within 24 hours after UH faculty is assigned to a course.30 mins(1) Saturdays 12:01 am thru 4:00 am this is for the common cluster (2) Sundays 6:00 am thru 2:00 pm this is for the application bundle updates
Administrative Services
AccessUH Admin
This application is used by AccessUH System Administrators to view logs and assist in troubleshooting AccessUH login events.AccessUH Administrators.IE, Firefox, Chrome.Access to the system will be given through internal arrangements.N/AN/AAthletics IT Support
Ticketing and tracking system that enables Athletics Department staff to submit support requests directly to department IT.Department of Athletics Staff.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is automatically granted to all Athletics Staff.N/AN/ABAUER+ Admin
BAUER+ is reserved for BAUER+ authorized personnel.BAUER+ is reserved for BAUER+ authorized personnel.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Contact Frank Kelley at hoursN/A.BrightCMS
The BrightCMS portal manages case activities of students, staff, and faculty as it relates to EOS.Authorized Personnel.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to specific EOS employees. Contact at all times.N/A.COOGPLAN
COOGPLAN will serve as the new planning and budgeting system for the UHSA and UH business units; it replaces BDM (for UHSA & UH only) which was accessed through the PSGL menu. UHSA and UH will use the COOGPLAN tool to build the annual budget and as a year-round reporting resource.UHSA/UH Financial staff with budgeting responsibilities.Internet Explorer, Firefox.Campus College/Division Administrators must contact the Budget Office directly.6000 seconds(1) Saturdays 12:01 am thru 4:00 am this is for the common cluster (2) Sundays 6:00 am thru 2:00 pm this is for the application bundle updates.Campus Solutions
HR and Campus Solutions is a PeopleSoft-based system that administers employee and student data.Staff responsible for administering HR or student data30 mins(1) Saturdays 12:01 am thru 4:00 am this is for the common cluster (2) Sundays 6:00 am thru 2:00 pm this is for the application bundle updatesConcur Travel Management
Concur is the Travel Management System used by the University of Houston to approve and record all travel and moving expenses. It may also be used to book travel, which is optional.EmployeesChrome, Firefox, IE , Safari, Microsoft Edge. For more information visit Supported Configurations for Concur.All regular employees have access to Concur in order to self-register. Self-registering takes place by clicking the Concur icon in AccessUH. Once an employee has completed the self-registration process, the Concur icon will grant access to Concur the day after the self-registration takes place. For support on this product, visit the AP Travel site or review their FAQ.120 minutesN/ACougar Card Admin
Administrative tool for Cougar Card staff.Authorized staff.All UH supported browsers.Contact the Cougar Card office.30 minutes.Friday 2am-6am.CougarQ Admin
The administrative icon for CougarQ.Authorized staff.All UH supported browsers.Contact Danesha Allen30 minutesFriday 2am-6amDashboard
Unified Dashboard of various systems including Blackboard Learn, Cougar Card, Parking, Micros POS, etc.Staff who need to view the data.Internet Explorer 7; Internet Explorer 8; Firefox 3.6;3.5; Safari 3.1; 3.2;4Contact Tuong Ho, to add new dashboards. Contact respective Dashboard owners to gain access to existing dashboards.30 minsFriday 2 am - 6 amEAB Navigate
Education Advisory Board (EAB) Navigate is student success software platform designed to allow UH staff to access PeopleSoft data, view data analytics, and collaborate with offices across campus to ensure student success. Advisors, staff, faculty, and administrators will access the platform through the website; students will use the website or the student app.Advisors, faculty, administrators, and some staff are currently eligible to use this application.Chrome is recommended.Contact Melissa Pierson or Susan Moreno.180 minutesMaintenance is conducted at the discretion of the vendor and by the vendor.Effort Reporting System
Effort Reporting System allows faculty and staff to review and certify their efforts on research grants.Faculty and StaffIE, FireFox, Safari, ChromePlease contact Division of Research at doreffrt@Central.UH.EDUN/AN/AEnrollment Management Dashboards
Transparent, online dashboard of enrollment, admissions, and course usage data.Staff who needs to view the data.Internet Explorer 7; Internet Explorer 8; Firefox 3.6;3.5; Safari 3.1; 3.2;4Contact Susan Moreno, Director, Office of Institutional Research at semoreno@uh.eduN/ASunday 6 am - 2 pmFinance
Finance is a PeopleSoft-based system that handles accounts payable, accounting, and purchasing for the university.Staff who need to perform finance functions as part of their jobWork with your college's or department's business office. You will need to also fill out the Finance system access form.30 mins(1) Saturdays 12:01 am thru 4:00 am this is for the common cluster (2) Sundays 6:00 am thru 2:00 pm this is for the application bundle updatesGraduate Online Application
Graduate application evaluation and admissions systemFaculty and staff engaged in the evaluation and processing of graduate applications.Chrome, Firefox, IE , SafariPlease contact the Graduate School at gradschool@uh.edu10 minutesIf in a maintenance mode, a maintenance screen will be present.HR
PASS allows faculty and staff to download class rosters, input grades, look up student info, check benefits and payroll info, update directory listing and much more.Faculty and StaffAccess is automatically granted to all UH faculty and Staff upon employment.30 mins(1) Saturdays 12:01 am thru 4:00 am this is for the common cluster (2) Sundays 6:00 am thru 2:00 pm this is for the application bundle updatesJAGGAER
Jaggaer is UH's sourcing and procurement tool, used for requesting, approving, and ordering goods and services.Authorized Personnel.Latest version of Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Please contact Jaggaer admin Henry Timothy for access.60 mins.Every 4 months.KGMCA IT Support
Support request portal for managing KGMCA issues for KGMCA Faculty and Staff.KGMCA Faculty and Staff only.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Contact Raymond Pina or Steven Beatty for access.N/AN/ALEGACYSIS
Static archive of the former Student Information System student records prior to PeopleSoft implementation. UH student records go back to 1927, however, not all records were converted to an electronic record format (Honeywell to VAX to ADMIN to LEGACYSIS). UH continues to retain hard copy (Permanent Record Cards), microfiche and microfilm official transcript records. UH converted (to Campus Solutions) only those students who were actively enrolled as of Spring 2000. In order to be considered actively enrolled, a successful payment must have been made. If you are not finding records on a student, please contact the Office of the University Registrar so that we may research the hard copy records.Users who perform official educationally-related duties.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Complete Campus Solutions system access form and add Legacysis under the "other" section of the Student Records module.30 minutesN/AMercury Admin
Administration Portal for the management of University residents.Housing Administrators.Firefox 3.6 and above, Chrome 81.0 and above.Contact Leanica Adams, ladams3@central.uh.edu60 mins.Friday 12:00 am - 6:00 am.PI WorkCenter
PI WorkCenter is a PeopleSoft-based system that allows Principal Investigators to quickly view summary financial and limited detail transactional information related to funded research projects, grants, and contracts.Research FacultyAccess is granted to all UH faculty automatically based on employee status and role.30 mins(1) Saturdays 12:01 am thru 4:00 am this is for the common cluster (2) Sundays 6:00 am thru 2:00 pm this is for the application bundle updates.PNC Staff Webapps
The administrative icon for Student Health Center Staff.Access is granted to Student Health Center Staff Only.Chrome(recommended), Edge ,Safari and Firefox.Access is manually given to Student Health Center Staff upon employment.30 Minutes.Scheduled as needed.PageUp Recruiting
The PageUp system is the University of Houston System (UHS) employee recruiting and onboarding application. This login is for requisition initiators, approvers and search committee members associated to a job posting or candidate pool. To apply for a job listing, please visit the UHS career site.Staff and Faculty involved with employee recruiting and onboarding.IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.Access automatically granted to all UH active employees. For support on this product, please visit the HR website, or contact the Human Resources Service Center at or 713-743-3988.30 minutes.Monthly outside normal business hours.Retirement@Work
Retirement at Work, through TIAA, is the system that manages employee ORP, Tax Deferred Annuity, and Deferred Compensation plans. Benefits eligible employees can log in using their Cougarnet credentials to add, update, and track their retirement portfolios.Benefits Eligible employees.Log in using Cougarnet credentials.Determined by vendor, TIAA.STS Admin
The administrative icon for the Student Training System.Selected Custom Group (Employees).IE, Firefox, Chrome.Contact Jennifer Flores.90 minutesFriday 2 am - 6 amSlate
Client Relationship Management System used for recruiting and application processing.Authorized UH Faculty and Staff.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all authorized Faculty and Staff.60 minutes.N/A.StarRez Admin
Student Housing Admin app.Authorized Staff.Latest version of Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted only to authorized admin Staff.30 minutes.N/A.T.A.P. Admin
The administrative icon for the T.A.P. Employee Online Training systemSelected Custom Group (Employees).Firefox, Chrome, Edge.Contact Jennifer Flores.90 minutes.Friday 2 am - 6 am.UH Graduate School Helpdesk
UH Graduate School HelpdeskAdministrators and Technicians for the UH Graduate School helpdesk system.Chrome, Firefox, IE , SafariPlease contact the Graduate School at gradschool@uh.eduN/AIf in a maintenance mode, a maintenance screen will be present.UIT Support Center Agents
Support ticket system specifically for UIT Support Center agents.UIT Support Staff.Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.Access is granted to all audience by contacting ITSC Team Leads.N/A.N/A.Watermark Faculty Success
The Watermark application offers faculty tenure management and reporting.Tenured faculty for the College of the Arts.Supports the latest versions of all browsers.Access is only granted to selected tenured Faculty.Available at all times.N/A.